Centre for Advancing Practice

Welcome to the Centre for Advancing Practice Portal, we are accepting applications for recognition as an Advanced Practitioner from those individuals whose programme has successfully completed the Centre’s Accreditation process. Education providers will be contacting their graduates with further information.

If you are waiting for your programme to be accredited and would like to begin to build your evidence of CPD in the Portal, you can select “Advanced Practitioners Accredited Programme Route”.

Those who have been successful in their application for the ePortfolio (supported) Route and have advised by their Education Supervisor to start building their portfolio, can sign up and select “ePortfolio (supported) Route”

Please note the Centre for Advancing Practice is not currently accepting any new applications for the ePortfolio (supported) Route or for First Contact Practitioner recognition.


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Please enter the email address that you will use to sign up.

This should be an email account that you will have ongoing access to (eg. personal email) but note that it will be visible to those confirming your evidence. Password resets will be sent to this email account.